Maternity, Baby, Family
The fruit of our love. Sounds a bit cheesy, but I think this is the best expression a baby-mommy can use referring to her round belly. Maybe that is the reason why the stages of the fetus are compared to fruits. At the 7th week, the fruit of love is a blueberry, at the 11th it is an apricot, and at the 40th it is a watermelon. Fruit made of love.
Suddenly it falls into the arms of the parents, proudly showing its tiny baby-feet to the whole world, while being amazed by it. But once those feet touch the ground the exploration starts, and good luck with keeping the pace!
These are truly unrepeatable and special moments, and even though they only last for a split-second, the photographs can capture these sparkles and help you recall the memories of your cutely round belly.